Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Murder on the Orient Express Part 3

Dear Readers,

It's my third post, and after reading earlier about the baffling murder, I hope your excited to learn more.

Soon after the murder, Poirot talks to Hector MacQueen, and learns that Ratchett received threatening letters.

After pondering the clue that was a burned note saying "member Daisy Armstrong", he realizes who Ratchett really is. The note had said "Remember Daisy Armstrong". Ratchett's real name is Cassetti, and he murdered a little girl named Daisy Armstrong. M. Bouc and him recall the Armstrong case- the girl was held for ransom, but was killed anyway. Daisy's pregnant mother gave premature birth, and she and the baby died. The father shot himself, and the accused nursemaid through herself out a window.

Poirot begins to interview the suspects, which is pretty much everyone who stays in that sleeping car.

First to be interviewed is Pierre Michel, the Wagon Lit Conductor. He describes what had happened that night, which was mainly what Poirot had heard or seen himself. He doesn't think anyone from outside the train committed the murder, since he was in that corridor for almost the whole night.

Next is Hector MacQueen. He is very surprised to hear Ratchett's real name. Apparently, his father is a lawyer and worked on the Armstrong case. On the night of the murder, Hector says he talked with the Colonel till after 2 o'clock.

Edward Masterman is interviewed after MacQueen. He saw Ratchett around 9 o'clock, when he gave Ratchett a sleeping draught. Ratchett seemed very disturbed and paranoid. The rest of the night he read a book in his compartment shared with the Italian.

Mrs. Hubbard is next. She thinks the murderer was in her room that night. Her room is connected to Ratchett's. She also found a button from a conductor's uniform. She is happy when she learns that Cassetti was Ratchett's real name, and she denies any connection to the case. Poirot shows her the handkerchief and describes the kimono to her. She says neither are hers.

Come back next week for part 4 to learn more. :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Murder on the Orient Express Part 2

Hey Readers!
Last time, I gave you a list of characters for future reference. Now, I'll tell you what has happened in the first hundred pages and which clues point to certain characters.
First, though, here are the last few characters that may be mentioned in this post:
  • Pierre Michel- French conductor
  • Dr. Constantine- the doctor who examines the victim's body

Now that you have learned of all the characters, the next step is discovering what the crime is. The murder happens in the night, as Poirot hears people moving around outside his room.

He has already met the others on the train. During meals, he observed everyone with his friend M.Bouc. When he saw Mr. Ratchett, he had the impression "as though a wild animal...had passed me by" (p.19). Later, Ratchett asked Poirot to protection, offering him big money. Poirot refused though, saying "I do not like your face." (p.32) All this had happened earlier that day.

This is what happened during the night:

  1. Poirot hears a cry out.
  2. Poirot rings for the conductor, who is speaking with Mrs. Hubbard. She is saying that there was a man who entered her room. The conductor says that is impossible, because her door was still bolted from the inside.
  3. There is a knock on Ratchett's door, and he says in French that he accidentally rang the bell.
  4. Poirot hears a noise, looks outside, and sees a woman with a kimono down the hallway with her back turned to him.
  5. Poirot rings to get water, and is told the train is stuck in the snow.
  6. Poirot hears a thump.

Mr. Ratchett's body is found in the morning. There are multiple and varying stab wounds. His room is next to Poirot's.

The following are clues found and deductions from the scene of the crime:

  1. Dr. Constantine says the victim was drugged or already dead when stabbed.
  2. There were 12 stab wounds. Some were lethal and some were practically scratches.
  3. There is a false clue- an open window, but no tracks outside.
  4. There are two unalike matches that were used sometime that night.
  5. A piece of handkerchief with the initial "H"
  6. A pipe cleaner.
  7. Ratchett's broken watch with the time saying 1:15.
  8. Burned piece of paper that says "Armstrong"

Here were the theories of different characters:

  1. Pierre thinks a woman did it, because there are some weak stabs and really deep ones that could have occurred when she was really angry.
  2. M. Bouc think a gunman, maybe the "big American" did it. The accused was reported by Michel to have never left his room in the night.
  3. They think maybe an man and woman did it.

M. Bouc concludes: "The murderer is with us- on the train now..." (p.51)

Come back next Wednesday for Part 3.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Murder on the Orient Express Part 1

First of all, I chose to read Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie. I chose the book because I've seen the movie numerous times and think the author is a genius. For this post, I am going to give character info. That way, you will be able to understand in the future which character is which..

The mystery begins with Monsieur Poirot, a very talented sleuth, getting on his train to Istanbul.

Character list: This is what I know as of page 50 in the book
  • The Sleuth- Hercule Poirot: former Belgian police officer, now sleuth, genius, very observant.
  • Appearance- Black curly moustache, short, looks comical
  • M. Bouc- gets his friend involved with the mystery, is an old friend from Poirot's days on police force.
  • Mary Debenham- English governess from Baghdad, intelligent
  • Appearance- tall, slim, 28 yrs old
  • Colonel Arbuthnot- colonel from india, very "English", polite
  • Appearance- tall, 40-50 yrs old, tan skin
  • Hector MacQueen- American, likeable, Ratchett's assistant
  • M. Ratchett- shady character, Poirot calls him an "animal" when he first sees him
  • Appearance- big false teeth, going bald, American, 60-70 yrs old
  • Antonio Foscarelli's Appearance- big. Italian, "swarthy"
  • Edward Henry Masterman- valet
  • Cyrus Hardman- commercial traveller
  • Princess Dragomiroff- Russian grand dame
  • Appearance- really ugly and gaudy
  • Greta Ohlsson- Swedish nurse
  • Apperance- tall, middle-aged, faded yellow hair, sheep-like face
  • Mrs. Hubbard- American matron
  • Appearance- stout, pleasant-faced
  • Hildegard Schmidt- maid to Princess
  • Appearance- broad, expressionless face
  • Count Andrenyi- part of Hungarian Embassy
  • Appearance- 30-ish with big moustache
  • Countess Andrenyi- wife of Count
  • Appearance- young, pretty, brown eyes, black hair, pale, fashionable

I will update this list every few posts. Come back next week to read about the first part of the book.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Welcome :)

Hey! This is Elizabeth C's blog. I hope you find it interesting enough to visit again. :)