Sunday, January 11, 2009

Twilight Post 5

When I think about why Twilight is so addicting, I think the way it is written is the answer. Reading from Bella's perspective gives me a raw look at how she thinks. Bella's weaknesses are obvious to her, but her undiscovered strengths are what are obvious to me. Sure, Bella is a fragile human, but she is so determined and selfless. Bella risks her life to prevent Edward and his family from getting hurt. She has no fear for what will happen to her. Some may call this stupidity, but I think it's an amazing quality.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Twilight Post 4

Bella is safe and wakes up in the hospital. It's pretty funny when Edward kisses her and her heart literally stops for a second. Bella's mom, Renee, tells Bella she thinks Edward is in love with her. It's funny to Bella how other people think Edward is just an average highschooler. Bella pleads with Edward to not leave her side, but she's really pleading for him to stay with her forever. It is really sweet that Edward takes Bella to the prom. Edward wants to make sure she can enjoy being human, perhaps because he expects she won't stay human long.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Twilight Post 3

Right now in Twilight, Bella is being watched by Alice and Jasper. It's really scary when Bella sees Alice drawing where she sees James is heading to, and the place is Bella's mom's house. Bella is very selfless. She worries only about the Cullens, not thinking once about her safety. When James calls her, saying he has her mother, Bella immediately goes along with his instructions. Bella leaves a note for Edward asking for him to not go after James. Bella doesn't want there to be a chance for him to get hurt. It's interesting in a way, that Bell and Edward see each other as in need of protection. I mean, Edward is practically indestructible. It must be Bella's caring for Edward and the Cullens that makes her think somewhat irrationally.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Twilight Post 2

When the nomadic vampires (Victoria, James, and Laurent) arrive, Bella notices obvious differences between the them and the Cullens. They walk cat-like, have red eyes, and, of course, hunt humans. The scene is very tense as soon as James realizes Bella is human. Once they are able to drive away, Edward loses control of his emotions for the first time in the book. Edward usually acts cool-headed, but he now acts as though the only option is to run away from James for as long as possible. When Bella shares her plan to tell Charlie she's going to Phoenix, Edward lets up a little. Alice convinces Edward to leave Bella with her and Jasper. Edward's initial reaction really shows how much Bella means to him. Edward can't bear to risk Bella getting hurt.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Twilight Post 1

Twilight is going well, right now Edward is telling Bella about Carlisle's history. When Carlisle was turned into a vampire he had a powerful urge to drink human blood. He fought against it, though, and eventually grew immune to the urge. It must have taken incredible amounts of self-control to not kill anyone. Carlisle became a doctor and eventually saved Edward and Esme while they were dying.

One of the most creative ideas from the book is the Cullen's playing baseball. They wait till a thunderstorm, then play in a large clearing. The vampires hit the ball so hard that it sounds like thunder. Whenever there is a thunderstorm I might wonder who's playing baseball. :)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Howl's Moving Castle Part 5

This is my last post for Howl's Moving Castle. I'm reading Twilight next.

Howl's Moving Castle ended like a fairytale. After Howl defeats the Witch of the Waste, Sophie is able to free Calcifer, who was once a shooting star. Lettie likes the rescued Wizard Suliman, and Martha and Michael stay together. The scarecrow was really Prince Justin under a spell. Though free, Calcifer returns to the fireplace. Sophie and Howl fall in love, her spell breaks, and Sophie is young again. The end.


Bella reactions in the book are rather amusing. She is calm when Edward tells her about reading minds and she isn't afraid of his family. When she sees a cross in the Cullen house, though, she is shocked.

It was very interesting when Bella had the nightmare with Edward, Jacob, and Mike. She didn't fear for her own life when she saw Edward, she was afraid of him being hurt when Jacob turned into a werewolf and was going to attack him.